Supplies: Make sure the following are stocked as per school and federal guidelines
Ticket scanners
(unless taking tickets by hand, then do not give back to patron)
If Ludus customer, purchase from Ludus Shop via your admin panel or download the free Ludus Access Control app for iOS and Android. If not a Ludus customer, contact your ticketing company to ensure you can scan tickets.
Set up Sanitation Stations
Determine how many for front of house
Determine station locations for front of house
Sanitizers in each dressing room
Set up Egress (entrance and exit) procedures
Clear path to seating, box office, restrooms, and exits
Pre-marked pathway of entrance in and exit out of the theatre
Ticket Selling: Ensure you have the right tools enabled to keep everyone safe
Automatically mark social distance seats as patrons buy tickets
Available to Ludus Tickets customers. Enable "Social Distancing" when adding your show in Ludus.
Learn more
Implement patron agreements for day-of-show expectations
Utilize our pre-written "social contract agreement" in your Ludus admin panel. If not a Ludus customer, ensure your ticketing provider allows you to display a patron agreement to ticket buyers outlining expectations and social distancing rules.
Infection Mitigation Coordinator: a person trained to know protocol and will be there every night
Designate Infection Mitigation Coordinator position
Assign worker(s) for outside the venue perimeter taking temperatures
Outside the venue perimeter, a worker wearing a face covering, gloves, and medically-identifiable clothing such as scrubs, who has been approved by the Infection Mitigation Coordinator, should take the temperature of every patron and conduct a brief visual screening for symptoms of fever or infection. (
Event and Safety Alliance)
Documentation: create documents to help monitor, track and demonstrate safety practices
Setup cleaning log sheet with date/times
Have written policies and procedures readily available
Ensure all staff and volunteers understand importance of documentation
Documenting that health and safety practices were followed at the correct intervals can help a business show that it behaved reasonably under its circumstances, which would be a key issue in a lawsuit. A supervisor should ensure that cleaning logs are carefully entered and preserved for reference. Events that contract to use a venue should request a copy of the venue’s cleaning and disinfection plan. (
Event and Safety Alliance)